How Investing Works in the Heartland

There are few VC’s left in early stage investment space. It has been surrendered to incubators...

Investment Pitch Guidance

Pitching for an investment is not an easy thing to do. It is part art and part business acumen. The...

Questions Serious Entrepreneurs Should Be Able To Answer

We see hundreds of deals per year and there are many commonalities in those that do not receive...

Questions We Ask in Diligence and Why

Over the now almost 12 year storied history of Angel Capital Group, we have found key information is...

Top Five Ways to get Deselected for Investment in the First 15 Minutes

There exists a "Great Communications Divide." The central premise of the discussion is the belief...

When is a venture ready for funding

We constantly get the question, "when is a venture ready for first funding?" Approximately 90% of...

The Unicorn Rookery

The Unicorn Rookery The traditional view of early-stage investing is high-risk-high-reward. ...

Invest In Tomorrow Today